Embracing the Suck
Wayfinder 94 / Embracing the Suck — To consciously accept or appreciate something that is extremely unpleasant but unavoidable.
Wayfinder 93 / Crushing it in your latter years, 5 secrets to keeping your brain sharp, and Anton Krupicka on art and adventure.
Age Awesome
We enjoy new places. New places lead to new discoveries — new adventures. New places offer opportunity to reframe and restart.
I'm not good at hitting the gym. On the strength spectrum, I fall in the lower 5% for my age—the bottom for an "athlete" in my fifties. Five percent may be generous. I found numbers. Yep, there is a website of strength standards. Plug in
Age Awesome is a catchphrase we've recently embraced to replace wellness. Over the years we've written about wellness — in particular mental wellness, and physical wellness as it relates to endurance performance and slow, or downshifted, adventures. Wellness is very broad. In this current phase of our
Live a life true to yourself to live the good life.
As a devoted and enthusiastic endurance athlete, I find great value in adding a yoga practice to my training, and hope to help others discover the benefits for themselves. With the type-A, all or nothing attitudes often innate in many runners, triathletes, cyclists, backpackers or other endurance monsters, we need
Paul and I have what we call our, “5 / 2” theory. It’s kind of like the “80%” rule most diet plans profess, or the endurance training principle of making hard days hard and easy days easy, or even the “work hard, play hard” mantra. But we try to remember
Subscribe to our Wayfinder newsletter for insights helping you adventure better and age happy.
I like the New Year because of its reminder to reflect, take stock, and get excited for the future. And, I keep getting drawn back to this photo. This is what I want: genuine smiles, fresh air, long walks. I’m tired of forever feeling out of place, tired of
I'm confident each of us is born with a desire to explore and be adventurous. It's in our DNA.
If you’re needing a new perspective on things, try literally switching things up this New Year.
As I get older, sleep seems to become a greater concern. Now that I'm in my mid-fifties I awake 1-2 times each evening to hit the restroom. Apparently the technical term is Nocturia. If I'm in a cold environment, like out camping, that number can swell.
Let’s get curious about our current physical and mental state!
There's no arguing that higher levels of curiosity associate with higher levels of mental wellbeing. Higher levels of mental wellbeing often correlate directly with higher levels of physical wellbeing, or vitality— and visa versa. Curiosity can come in phases, it has in my life. We can lose it
Age Awesome is a catchphrase we've recently embraced to replace wellness. Over the years we've written about wellness — in particular mental wellness, and physical wellness as it relates to endurance performance and slow, or downshifted, adventures. Wellness is very broad. In this current phase of our
In the Blue Zones documentary on Netflix, one of the correlations to longevity observed across several of the communities researched was steepness. In such that centenarians lived in areas which required them to walk and hike up steep pitches. I have certainly felt stronger in the legs and core when
The first rule of depression is we don't talk about depression. The second rule of depression is we don't talk about depression. I'm a rule follower. I don't make waves. I internalize my feelings — but only after denying them. I go to
Take a few minutes of thoughtful breath to help reset.
Time amplifies what you feed it. Shane Parrish writes about consistently making the right choices to put yourself in a strong position.