Elsewhere 43 / Recognizing Eating Disorders
Why I Signed Up for a Race I Knew I Couldn’t Finish
“You’re not going to finish.” The words came from a tall, wiry man in his 60s named Scott. Four hours into the hardest race of my life deep in Colorado’s San Juan Mountains, these were truly the most encouraging words I’d heard all day. Finally, I could breathe a sigh of relief and give myself permission to lift any remaining expectations that I was going to make it to that finish line. Then, I kept climbing.
Recognizing Eating Disorders in Time to Help
Eating disorders pose serious hazards to adolescents and young adults and are often hidden from family, friends and even doctors, sometimes until the disorders cause lasting health damage and have become highly resistant to treatment.
"The problem is especially common among, though not limited to, gymnasts, dancers, models, wrestlers and other athletes, who often struggle to maintain ultra-slim bodies or maintain restrictive weight limits."
Simon Pegg: ‘I was lost, unhappy and an alcoholic’
...And then he sits down to talk about depression. And alcoholism. And how he spent years trying to hide it, and how he nearly lost everything, and how he is lucky to even be alive. “It was awful, terrible,” he says. “It owned me.”
Joe Grant: The Nolan's 14 Interview
On June 29th, Black Diamond Athlete Joe Grant reached the Mt. Shavano trailhead and looked at his watch. Forty-nine hours and 38 minutes had passed since he’d set off from the Mt. Massive trailhead in Leadville, Colorado. Now, looming behind him were 14 of the Sawatch range’s 14,000-foot mountains, stretching for roughly 100 miles. He’d climbed over 44,000 vertical feet to cross those peaks, and in doing so had set the unsupported FKT (fastest known time) for completing the notoriously difficult Nolan’s 14.
How to Choose Your Next Book
If you’re wondering what to read, here are two simple ideas that we can combine to help guide what you read.