Wayfinder 79 / How To Be Good + Yoga for Big Benefits
The importance of living "dirty good" becomes especially evident in moments like these. Trying times force introspection and often allow for a clear perspective. These moments can also create panic and cloud one's judgment. When each day ends it's up to the individual to decide if he lays his head down in fear and doubt or with hope and promise of potential good. And when he wakes, the individual decides between nature and goodness or panic and hysteria.
Get dirty, be good company to family and neighbors. Stay safe and well.
— Paul & Susan
Susan recently wrote an article for RaceCenter magazine on the benefits of yoga. Now may be a good time to develop some new habits and practices.
A Little Yoga for Big Benefits →
I know, it feels like a chore, it feels silly, it feels awkward and kinda pointless. You’re not spiritual, you’re not flexible, you’re not a hippy. You don’t know what all those Sanskrit words mean. You’re already strong, you’re already disciplined. Plus, you’re very, very tired.
I’d like to convince you that yoga deserves a place in your life.
Let’s start with ten minutes.
Read further →
Striking Thoughts: How Bruce Lee Kicked Ass and My Mind →
When I was a young boy, like many boys, I had a fascination with Bruce Lee and his physical prowess. As an adult I am fascinated by his pursuit in the mastery of his mind. (From our archives)
How to be good →
This is the question. What are we to do? As we struggle to confront an ever-growing number of crises, how can we be good to ourselves and others? The starting point is understanding what we mean by “goodness.”
Goodness is an act of being and doing, requiring that we not only engage but reflect on the intentions behind our actions. Goodness may give rise to immediate satisfaction or demand sustained sacrifice...
“Goodness is impermanent and organic, meaning it can progress as well as regress,” said Chan Phap Dung, a senior monk at the Plum Village meditation center founded by the Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. And that is why, he said, we have to be steadfast in caring for ourselves and the world at large.
Read further for 9 suggestions for being good.
Curiosity Is the Secret to a Happy Life →
Mental health researchers have reported that high levels of curiosity often correlate with several measures of mental health and vitality.
“When you explore new terrain” — whether it’s an exercise class you’ve never attended or a dinner date with a new friend — “you’ll probably be exposed to feelings of stress and anxiety,” he says. While these states tend to be thought of as negative, he says curious people are not easily deterred by them. In other words, they display resilience or “grit” when exploring new concepts or scenarios.
How to make mental health a priority during the coronavirus pandemic →
With the cancellation and postponement of sporting leagues, cycling and running events, and the Olympics, ESPN sought some insight from a behavioral health specialist. One tip, add media to your social distancing practices. #socialmediadistancing
ESPN: What are some of the key things to remember when it comes to mental health and the unknowns of this pandemic?
Rebecca Colasanto: I think staying grounded and really being self-aware is very important for everyone. Focusing on things that we have control over and listening to whatever rules are being put in place for our own safety is important and not minimizing the risk but also not overreacting to the risk.
So is determining how to manage our own anxiety. How do we do that when anything is going on in the world that's upsetting? Sometimes limiting our immediate exposure can be helpful. Not to say someone should isolate from the news or the world news, but that we should be mindful of how much media exposure we're getting. Overexposure can really increase symptoms of anxiety. It's overwhelming.
The Mental Side Of Coping With Injury →
The article may be about coping with injuries, but much of the advice can be applied to the current circumstances many of us are struggling with — not being able to train properly and dealing with cancelled races.
- I am working on movement and strength practices. I purchased a couple digital programs (Bodyweight + Kettlebell) through Onnit at Christmas when they were offered at 50% off. Honestly, I started the Bodyweight program but lost focus when my weekly running volume increased and we joined Snap. Now that our Spring marathon has been cancelled and we're focused on building training options from home I'm going to recommit. Now if I can only find kettlebells. They seem to be sold out everywhere.
- Susan has been doing a morning yoga practice. See her article mentioned above for suggestions.
- Yale has waived enrollment fees for their popular, The Science of Well-Being, course. I've signed up for the 10 week program.
- Susan picked up stacks of books last week before the library closed. I'm working through several books I've collected over the last few months.
- Documentaries and podcasts. Susan is more of a podcast listener than I. I tend to be more visual so lean into documentaries.
A couple picks...
- This Mountain Life documentary is available free on Amazon if a Prime member. A mother and daughter embark on a 6-month ski traverse through Canada to Alaska. Extreme social distancing.
- Rich Roll podcast with Blue Zones Project founder Dan Buettner. They discuss lifestyle practices shown to increase longevity, wellness, and mental health. We watched the talking heads version on YouTube.
The mistakes I have made in coaching are no more than the mistakes I make in living: unreasonable goals, misguided efforts, short-term views, and the failure to recognize what is important. I see that now. Running not only has made me a coach; it has made me a philosopher.
The Essential Sheehan: A Lifetime of Running Wisdom from the Legendary Dr. George Sheehan, George Sheehan