Top 10 Things We Were Going To Do in 2020, But Didn’t
It’s that time of the year. Everyone seems to be posting top photos, articles, and highlights of 2020. To be transparent, we don’t have much to share on that front. It’s been a rough year and we were less productive than we would have liked with Dirty Good.
Frankly, it’s more honest to list the top things we had planned to accomplish in 2020, but didn’t. Obviously Covid-19 played a role in the postponement of many items on this list, but our attitude was equally involved; momentum slipped and direction waned as the year unfolded.
So here it is, our sobering (tongue in cheek) listicle.
1. Eugene Marathon
Both Susan and I had planned on starting the year with a road marathon. It kept us motivated and running during the first part of the year. After it’s cancellation I transitioned to riding mostly as the trip to Italy also looked to be in jeopardy.
2. Lavaredo Ultra Trail
This was my big objective for the year. I’ve been trying to get back to the Dolomites and trail running in Italy for several years and it looked like 2020 was going to be an epic year of events and travel.
3. The RUT 50K
This was second on my list of goals for 2020. I was first introduced to ultra running about 4 years ago when I traveled through Montana and stopped to watch this event. Since then, I’ve tried twice to get to this event and have yet to see the starting line.
4. Javelina Jundred
This is Susan’s baby. She has fond memories of racing this event as well as working it a couple years back. She does well in the heat and this was going to be her venture back into long races, finally tackling a 100 miler.
5. Multi-day Bikepacking trip
A solo multi-day trip has been on my list for a couple years. It’s intimidating on its own, but with Covid and travel restrictions I just never felt it wise to take this on.
6. Move to Arizona
A move to a warmer, and less expensive area has been on our list since settling back here in the PNW after two years of traveling. It’s what prompted the van living experience and our current arrangement feels like a step backward. We’ve been discussing a move to Arizona as it is one of the places we miss and felt we could live. This year wasn’t the year to make a significant change. It’s one thing to be isolated in a familiar town where you have friends and family, another to isolate yourself in a new environment without the ability to make connections.
Here are a few more items we had intentions of beginning in 2020 that didn’t gain traction.
7. Make sourdough bread like everyone else
8. Become a taquero
9. Launch a Patreon account
10. Launch the Dirty Good Mixed Terrain Explorers Club
11. Start a meditation practice
12. Start a Kettlebell program
13. Begin a nutritional coaching and yoga teaching practice
14. Get back to the regular writing process we maintained during our years in the van
Yes, that was 14. The kept growing…
Small Wins
The year wasn’t all missed objectives. We rolled with the changes and put together a number of one-day excursions from the house, as well as a few multi-day trail running and bikepack camping trips.
We launched a local, yet virtual, Bend trail running event and raised money for local businesses and NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness).
Susan run-commuted to her job at Whole Foods during the summer months and she has received two promotions within the year she’s been working there.
We kept a plant alive. We didn’t kill one another. I didn’t go completely batshit crazy working solo from home. We purchased indoor bike trainers and have been more consistent with getting in some regular training during the colder months. Susan logged more running sessions than in previous years and has remained injury free. I’ve put in more time and miles on the bike than I have in some time and thoroughly enjoyed the transition from mostly running trails to primarily riding gravel roads.
Like everyone else, we get caught up always wanting to do more, be more, move more, accomplish more. And like everyone else, maybe we take a lesson from 2020 to rest a little, sit, breathe, and appreciate where we are at this moment. Any unfulfilled goals of the last year are still waiting, still attainable; we simply need to reset and begin again.
Let’s see what the next year brings!